Produced by ThreePenny Theatre Company
Merry Magee
Sam Torres
Andrew Maizner
Nick Mathews
Melody Baugh
Mira Kocherhans
Director: Jonah Kirkhart
Stage manager: Syd Peronnet
AD and ASM: Cody O'Hare

Merry Magee
Merry is thrilled to be working on their first production with ThreePenny. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance from Westminster University. Recent credits include: Letters to My Mom (Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival), Cherry Wine, Scarlet, Train Tracks (Sackerson), and The Rapture Happens at Midnight (An Other Theatre Company).

Sam Torres
Sam Torres (she/her) is honored to be sharing the character of Rose along side this brilliant ensemble and production team. Sam is a Salt Lake-based actress from Ann Arbor, Michigan, with a BFA in Musical Theatre. Sam most recently appeared in Melancholy Play, directed by Morag Shepherd. Other recent credits include the Laramie Project and The Final Act with Wasatch Theatre, Plan-B Theatre's world premiere of "Aftershock" by Iris Salazar, Radio Show by Tatiana Christian, Penelope Pennywise in Urinetown, and Heather Chandler in Heather's the Musical. She would like to thank you for sharing your time and invite you to sit forward and engage in the flesh and blood of this text. Instagram: @samcattorres

Andrew Maizner
Andrew Maizner fell in love with acting back in the 8th grade, when Mrs. Hinckle made him choose either detention or Drama Club. After working in academic, community and summer-stock theaters for a number of years, Andy took a hiatus to ski, tend to family and earn an actual living. Returning to the stage here in Utah a number of years ago, Andy has appeared locally as Richard Aldritch in the Utah premiere of Beth Bruner’s Gee, and as Nat, in Herb Gardener’s I’m Not Rapapport, for Holladay Arts; Gonzalo, in The Tempest, with Around The Globe Theater Company; Rabbi Binder, in Philip Roth’s The Conversion of the Jews, for BRT; as Al Lewis, in Neil Simon’s The Sunshine Boys, with Pinnacle Acting Company; as Baptista in UNIPAC’s production of The Taming of the Shrew; as Screwtape in James Forsyth’s Screwtape, produced by Silver Summit Theater; as Donald in Pygmalion Theater Company’s “A Night With the Family” at the Rose Wagner; Arthur inTracy Lett’s Superior Donuts at Sam Weller’s; Vaughn in Pygmalion’s production of Caridad Svich’s play “Spark”; as the announcer/broadcaster in Thornton Wilder’s classic, “The Skin of Our Teeth” at the Grand Theater; as Dodge in, “The Buried Child”, by Sam Shepard with Silver Summit; as Joseph Potter in the American premier of Vivienne Franzmann’s searing play, “The Witness”; as Steve Hubbell in the Grand Theater’s production of “A Streetcar Named Desire”; and, most recently as Doc in Pygmalion’s production of “Flying”.

Nick Mathews
Nick Mathews (Duvid) most recently appeared in SpeaKeasy Theatre Company’s “The Advantageous Adventures of Mrs. Meddlesome,“ in addition to “TRIP" at the Salt Lake Fringe Festival. Other recent credits include “Othello” (Little Man Theater Company), "Alien Abductions with Abby Hornacek” (Fox Nation), “Summering” (Sundance Film Festival), “Mission Stories” (Deseret Book), and “Murder Among the Mormons” (Netflix).

melody. L. Baugh
Melody is excited to be performing again with ThreePenny Theatre having last been in John, portraying the kooky but adorable Mertis. Recently, she was in Titanic, the Musical (Marion Thayer) at Hale Theater and Head over Heels (Queen Gynecia) at the Grand Theatre. She has performed at Sundance theater and PTC and traveled for many years singing and performing on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and AIDA cruise lines. Favorite destination: Barcelona or Malaysia. BFA graduate of Brigham Young University. www.melodybaugh.com

Mira Kocherhans
Mira is stoked to be performing with ThreePenny Theatre again! She recently graduated from UVU, where she double majored in Theatre and English. Recent roles include Lady Macbeth (Macbeth; NYC), Astrov (Uncle Vanya; UVU), and Marianne (Constellations; UVU). This show has been a compelling impetus for connecting with her own Jewish ancestry, and she hopes it can serve similarly for others, inciting them to recognize important pieces of their own identity.

Jonah Kirkhart
Jonah Kirkhart is a writer, director, and actor. He’s the artistic director of ThreePenny Theatre Company and co-founder of Busking Bus Theatre Company (@buskingbustheatre). His written works include An American in Beirut (Uptown Theatre), Rime of the Ancient Mariner (ThreePenny Theatre Company), and an upcoming adaptation of The Legends of Sleepy Hollow (Timpanogos Arts Center). He’s directed several others including 21 Chump Street (K-State Directors Lab), Love and Information (ThreePenny Theatre Company), and Power Plays (ThreePenny Theatre Company).
Special Thanks!
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
-for providing authentic images for props

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