We believe art can make a difference. Help us prove it.

What does my Sponsorship Support?
New Art & New Programs
The funding or products you provide as support will go directly toward helping us make new and better productions. costumes, lights, venues, and most importantly to us, paid actors! In addition to our productions your funding will help us build out programs to help the most at risk communities in our area, homeless outreach and at-risk youth programs. This will help us reach our goals of supporting our community from the ground up. if you're curious about our past shows you can see them here!
What do I receive for my Sponsorship
Your name up in Lights
For your sponsorship you'll receive your name or your company's name, logo, and a link of your choice in our playbill proudly proclaiming your support of our humble theatre company! In addition we will periodically put together newsletters and photos showing the casts, shows, programs, and people you've helped support. For larger sponsorships we will also add a special thank you to our pre-show announcement thanking you for your support of the arts and our mission. Season sponsors can look forward to these benefits for every show in our season, currently four shows! If your sponsorship allows us to run a new program we would be happy to consider naming it after your organization for the duration of your support! We'd be happy to discuss other ways of showing our gratitude as well if you ask! Most importantly you get the knowledge that you or your organization is doing your part to promote culture and healthy communities!

How Much is a Sponsorship?
We are flexible!
As of now, our lowest tier of sponsorship starts at $500, getting you the logo and link in our playbill! $1000 gets you the added special thanks announcement. Season Sponsorships range from $2000-$4000. However, we're happy to facilitate non cash sponsorships, and other arrangements that help us do what we do!
Hey we get it.
Still not convinced?
We understand supporting a young organization can be worrisome. If you're interested but still have some questions reach out, we'd be happy to chat with you and talk about how you can help ThreePenny Theatre make the world just the tiniest bit better for the people living in it. If you'd like to see some of what we've done so far check out our historical pages for reviews and photos of our shows!

(620) 768-9344
Thank you for contributing!
ThreePenny Theatre Company has official 501(c)(3) nonprofit status; meaning donations will be tax deductible.